
時間 2022-11-12 22:00:55


our company has projects in india. and we would like to purchase material nearby. please inform us any agent and its contact information.

please response when you receive it.


our company own the project in india, and we want to purchase the raw materials nearby. pls inform us thecontact way of the agent


he lives a thrifty life and advocates civil disobedience passive resistence civil disobedience 文明的不服從,才是非暴力反抗的正確譯法。也可作 passive resistence 消極抵抗指拒絕服從 當局...


betreff就是寫郵件時候的標題 這裡是在問 標題是什麼呢?看了大家的討論,補充一下 denn 這裡是 到底 的意思。在德語口語中用的很頻繁!整句的意思就是 標題到底是什麼呢?再舉個例子吧 was habe ich denn hier gemacht?我到底在這裡幹了什麼?所以樓主問的句子沒有錯。...


既然是廣告語,我認為不需要太長,大概八個字就夠了。一定要簡短扼要,讓人印象深刻,故此不一定要長篇大論的美妙詩歌。順口容易記就好。我建議 捕捉瞬間美好,珍藏兒時記憶!用瞬間詮釋永恆,用光影渲染童年。時光如流水,常去不曾歸。韶華誠可貴,轉瞬皆已灰。欲問世上人,童真豈可回?借助光與影,瞬間亦永恆。既達其意...

請翻譯一句話!謝謝了,請高手們幫忙翻譯一句話 謝謝了!

from a teacher centered feeding teaching shift to student centered active autonomous learning。from the teacher centered turned force feeding teaching ...


我也養狗,它已經4歲了,同我在南京一塊成長.i also feed a dog.he is 4 years old,growing together with me in nanjing.i also raise the dog,it already 4 years old,together gre...