請英文高手幫忙翻譯一下 謝謝了 高分

時間 2022-11-13 11:25:38


because we just moved, been cleaning everyday, therefore i reply so late, sorry! september 14th is august 15th in chinese lunar calender, which is a chinese holiday called mid autumn festival. today everyone in the family must get together, look at the moon, eat moon cake.

moon cake is a dessert with stuffing in it. not sure if you had tasted it before. attachment is a picture of it.

also attached is your name in chinese, hope it is not too hard.

ok, this is it for now, talk to you later, keep in touch.



because of the recent move of the new home, every day in finishing, so late in reply, sorry! september 14 is the 15th of august the chinese lunar new year, is china's traditional festival ---- mid-autumn festival, to this day the family reunion, with the full moon, the moon cakes. moon cakes with a filling of the dessert, i do not know you did not eat » annex there are pictures.

he, a map is your name written in chinese, it is not very complicated » well, first wrote this, often linked!


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