
時間 2022-09-17 00:56:16


are allowed

are permitted

are required

are allowed

are permitted

are passed

are permitted

is did


1. shouldn't be allowed2. mustn't be permitted3.

should be required4. shouldn't be allowed5. had to be permitted6.

must be passed

7. mustn't be permitted8.has got

to be done


第一大題 1.interesting boring2.expensive cheap 3.difficult easy4.slow fast 第二大題 1.exciting2.delicious terrible3.hear4.interested interesting5.guide robot ...

幫幫忙做一下。謝謝。英語題,幫幫忙做一下。英語題 謝謝

1,what would 2,how large would3,would he like 4,i will 5,i won t 6,doesn t like or7,am going 8,what do 9,with mutton and tomato10,is any what do what ...


解 1 離心率e 3 2 e 3 4 即 a b a 3 4 a 2b 又ab 8 由 得 a 4,b 2 因此,橢圓c方程為 x 16 y 4 1 2 設pq直線方程為 y kx b k 0,b 0 把pq直線方程代入橢圓c方程,消去y,有 x 16 kx b 4 1 1 4k x 8kbx 4b...


1.1 12 144 0.75 22.52.設玫瑰x朵,百合y朵。4 5x 4 6y x y 220 x 100 y 120 比為5 6 因為只是求比例 可以不管x y的值 直接算x y 結果也是5 6 3.2 5 3 2 x400 80 四年級80m4.設車好x個,車壞 48 x 個。12x 98...


1 計算2008年應提取的壞賬準備金額 400000 2 8000 2 計算2009年 壞賬準備 賬戶期末餘額 8000 3000 5000 計提前 3 計算2009年應提取的壞賬準備金額 600000 2 5000 7000 4 計算2010年 壞賬準備 賬戶期末餘額 12000 2000 140...