
時間 2023-05-17 20:30:12



提示:argue with,write her a letter,call her up,say sorry to…,go to her house,,a ticket to…)

答案:eve:hey,'s wrong?

alice :i had an argument with my best should i do?

eve:well,you could write her a letter.

alice:i don't think don't like writing letters.

eve:maybe you should call her up.

alice :no,i don't want to talk about it on the phone.

eve:well,you should say you are sorry.

alice :yes,i know i should,but it's not easy.

eve:maybe you could go to her house.

alice :i guess icould,but i don't want to surprise her.

eve:hey,i could give her a ticket to a ball game.

alice :well,that is a good you very much.


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