求問VB大神這道題怎麼做, VB 請問這道題怎麼做的? 求步驟 謝謝

時間 2022-10-24 19:31:42


private sub command1_click()dim a(10) as integer


for i = 1 to 10

a(i) = int(rnd * 90) + 10print a(i);

next i


for i = 1 to 9

print "第" & i & "趟選擇排序:";

k = i

for j = i + 1 to 10

if a(j) < a(k) then k = jnext j

t = a(i): a(i) = a(k): a(k) = tprint "【";

for j = 1 to 10

print a(j);

if j = i then print "】";

next j


next i

end sub

private sub command2_click()clsend sub

private sub command3_click()endend sub



(vb) 請問這道題怎麼做的? 求步驟 謝謝 50


f函式中的 x引數是傳址 改變x值就會改變帶入時的變數的值y=f函式返回的值 =x*y=20*2=40x在f函式中被修改了值 所以x=20

答案c已經結貼無法回答 就在此回答你上一題的疑問列表選項序號從0開始 所以序號1 即第二個選項內容





dim n as long, m as long

private sub command1_click()

timer1.enabled = true

end sub

private sub command2_click()

timer1.enabled = false

end sub

private sub form_load()

n = 10

m = 0 '0代表紅燈亮,1代表黃燈亮,2代表綠燈亮

picture1.picture = vb.loadpicture("c:\紅燈亮.jpg")

label1.autosize = true

label1.font.size = 24

label1.caption = n

label1.forecolor = vbred

me.caption = "模擬交通燈"

command1.caption = "開始"

command2.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = false

timer1.interval = 1000

end sub

private sub timer1_timer()

if m = 0 then

if n = 10 then

picture1.picture = vb.loadpicture("c:\紅燈亮.jpg")

end if

label1.caption = n

label1.forecolor = vbred

n = n - 1

if n = 0 then

m = 1

n = 3

end if

exit sub

end if

if m = 1 then

if n = 3 then

picture1.picture = vb.loadpicture("c:\黃燈亮.jpg")

end if

label1.caption = n

label1.forecolor = vbyellow

n = n - 1

if n = 0 then

m = 2

n = 10

end if

exit sub

end if

if m = 2 then

if n = 10 then

picture1.picture = vb.loadpicture("c:\綠燈亮.jpg")

end if

label1.caption = n

label1.forecolor = vbgreen

n = n - 1

if n = 0 then

m = 0

n = 10

end if

exit sub

end if

end sub


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