有首舞曲DJ歌詞是we are the world,這是什麼

時間 2022-08-11 06:32:07


麥可傑克遜 we are the world

一首英文歌,裡面有歌詞 we are one world ,we are one nation,是dj型別的。


有we are the world或we are one 沒有we are one world


是mr. da-nos的one nation(2011年**),我也喜歡這首歌



[verse 1]

i believe

we can make a difference

and there's a way

through the barricades

'cause i can see tomorrow

in our children's eyes

if we stand as one, we are strong

and love will light the way


we are one world, we are one nation

together we can make it right

let's heal the world for our generation

let's celebrate the world tonight


one world!

[bridge 1]

one world!

one nation!

one world!

[verse 2]

heart to heart

for all human races

we can make the change

for a better day

it doesn't matter where you come from

or what you want to be

'cause we're all the same

we're even made to change

together we will show


we are one world, we are one nation

together we can make it right

let's heal the world for our generation

let's celebrate the world tonight

[bridge 2]

you and i is all it takes

to make the dream come true

if we just keep holding on

we can make it through

with one world, one nation

every woman, every child

every man

one destination

[bridge 1]

one world!

one nation!

one world!

one nation!

one world!

[bridge 1]

one world!

one nation!

one world!


we are one world, we are one nation

together we can make it right

let's heal the world for our generation

let's celebrate the world tonight


yeah, for one world



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