
時間 2022-04-01 21:46:17


《死神來了3》 片尾曲是love train

所屬**:the best of the o'jays: love train

演唱者:the o'jays


people all over the world (everybody)

join hands (join)

start a love train, love train

people all over the world (all the world, now)

join hands (love ride)

start a love train (love ride), love train

the next stop that we make will be soon

tell all the folks in russia, and china, too

don't you know that it's time to get on board

and let this train keep on riding, riding on through

well, well

people all over the world (you don't need no money)

join hands (come on)

start a love train, love train (don't need no ticket, come on)

people all over the world (join in, ride this train)

join in (ride this train, y'all)

start a love train (come on, train), love train

all of you brothers over in africa

tell all the folks in egypt, and israel, too

please don't miss this train at the station

'cause if you miss it, i feel sorry, sorry for you


people all over the world (sisters and brothers)

join hands (join, come on)

start a love train (ride this train, y'all), love train (come on)

people all over the world (don't need no tickets)

join hands (come on, ride)

start a love train, love train

ride, let it ride

let it ride

let it ride

people, ain't no war

people all over the world (on this train)

join in (ride the train)

start a love train, love train (ride the train, y'all)

people all over the world (come on)

join hands (you can ride or stand, yeah)

start a love train, love train (makin' love)

people all over the world ('round the world, y'all)

join hands (come on)

start a love train, love train


其實在4有提到的,在放一系列的骨頭時,注意,有火車這個鏡頭出現,而恰巧有一行字出現,被撞碎了,那就表民死了 3個沒死的人在地鐵裡又相遇了 然而,死神還是沒有放過他們 乙個個死於非命 我認為男的女的全掛了,最後導演弄的又是千篇一律的東西,給大家留點懸念以後再攢錢拍續集 最後,我認為是全掛了 結局是女主...


她們兩個在曬燈.那個燈的蓋子旁邊有乙個長條缺口的.是方便人在外面是拉開或拉下蓋子的 大概是吧 掉下來的那個木條就是剛好卡在那兩個缺口上.因為那杯汽水的倒水弄壞了防止溫度過高自動關閉電源的電閘.所以燈的溫度就不斷公升高.高過頭就把她們燒死了.似乎已經冥冥中形成了慣例,恐怖的 死神 每三年就會在大銀幕上...


死了咯應該 就算有4 前面活下來的也差不多要死滴 沒躲過去啊!結果全死了 嘿嘿 我昨天剛看滴 仁慈的主啊!原諒我的謊言吧 4沒出,死神來了1 在2000年出,死神來了2 在2003年出,死神來了3 在2006年出,這樣算起來,我們得等到2009年才能看4了。ps 沒人能躲過死神的追殺,3部的結局都是...


說散就散 歌曲原唱 jc 陳詠桐 在電影裡唱的歌手 袁婭維填詞 張楚翹 譜曲 伍樂城 抱一抱就當作從沒有在一起 好不好要解釋都已經來不及 算了吧我付出過什麼沒關係 我忽略自己就因為遇見你 沒辦法好可怕那個我不像話 一直奮不顧身是我太傻 說不上愛別說謊就一點喜歡 說不上恨別糾纏別裝作感嘆 就當作我太麻...


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