三張牌的遊戲,C C 實現

時間 2022-04-22 10:29:08






using namespace std;

typedef enum suit;

typedef enum facevalue;

typedef enum pokerhandsranking;

static char *suitname[4]=; //suit names

static char *cardname[13]=; //holds strings with card names

static char *playername[4]=; // 玩家名

static char *rankingname[5]=;

class card

// default constructor

card(const card& a) // copy constructor


void setvalue(int a,int b)

//set suit and face value of the card

card& operator = (const card& a);// assignment operator

bool operator<(const card& a) const;// compare operator

bool comparesuit(const card& a) const

bool comparefacevalue(const card& a) const

bool followedby(const card& a) const

inline int point() const

void swap(card& a);


suit cardsuit;// cards suit

facevalue cardfacevalue; // cards face value

};class deck

void shuffle(); // create the list of cards in random order

card& deal()// deals the card at topcard and increments topcard


card cards [52];

int topcard;// top of the deck

};template //general array template

class array


type& operator(int index); // number of players and number of cards in hand

game(const game&);

void deal();

void print(ostream&);

pokerhandsranking getranking(int player);

int getpoints(int player);


deck thedeck; //deck of cards

int players; //# of players

int handsize; //size of each hand

array,pla> hands; //arrays are nested

};ostream& operator << (ostream& os, card c ) //card output

// sort the player's cards

for(int n=0;n

void game::print(ostream& os) while(opt!='0');}



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