
時間 2022-11-13 14:25:50


nowadays, all kinds of tv programs use text messages participation way, people evaluation is differ, to this, i want to say, this is the arrangement of the interactive television, do not only can increase ratings, still can let the audience into the tv programs, it is kill two birds with one stone. maybe there are a lot of people don't agree with, but, it is a lot of benefits. as the old adage says, is not stranger said.



at present. short messages are widely involved in various tv programs nowadays, all kinds of tv programs use text messages participation way, people evaluation is differ, to this, i want to say, this is the arrangement of the interactive television, do not only can increase ratings, still can let the audience into the tv programs, it is kill two birds with one stone. maybe there are a lot of people don't agree with, but, it is a lot of benefits.

as the old adage says, is not stranger said.


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