
時間 2022-11-25 01:50:50


你會說英語嗎?用英語是can you speak english?


speak英 [spiːk]  美 [spik] 說話;演講;表明;陳述

短語speak now 愛的告白 ; 愛的告白** ; 愛的啟事 ; 現在說

speak about 談及 ; 聊及 ; 談起 ; 道及

speak of 談到 ; 談及 ; 更不用說 ; 更不必說

speak for 要求得到 ; 之代言 ; 代表 ; 訂購

speak frankly 開啟天窗說亮話 ; 實話實說 ; 坦率地說

speak softlylove 教父 ; 姚斯婷

redwood speak 杉語

例句1、i'm a foreigner. please speak slowly.


2、the president spoke to me of various matters.


3、they spoke for over two hours.


4、to speak at the meeting


5、he spoke at the un for an hour.



1 can.you speak english?

2. are you able to speak english?

3. can.you talk to other people in english?

4. are you able to talk to other people in english?

5. can.you communicate with other people in english?

6. are you able to communicate with other people in english?

7. can.you express youself in english?

8. are you able to express youself in english?


英語是目前世界上使用範圍最為廣泛的語種,所以為了避免尷尬,正確的說法是:do you speak english?


can you speak english?

may you speak english?


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你好 我說不過你 i said but you.或i said that but you.我打不過你 i beat you.我跑不過你 i run but you.我摘不過你 i pick you.所有翻譯都在這了,請採納 如有不妥之處,請追問。i beat you。我打不過他英語怎麼說 i can...