
時間 2022-09-25 11:10:53


1 the sitting room droplight broke a few bulbs2. the sitting room is broken one shoot the light

3. time defended dome light is broken4. second lie curtain hook is broken5.

the bedroom curtain fell off


1.of the sitting room droplight broke a few bulbs (=@__@=)**?

2.the sitting room is broken one shoot the light ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

3.time defended dome light is broken \(^o^)/yes!

4.second lie curtain hook is broken o__o"…

5.the bedroom is going to of the curtain fell ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮


1.the living room chandelier broke several light bulbs 2.the living room is broken 1 spotlights

3.the lamp is broken. the second guardian 4.second lie the curtain hook is broken

5.bedroom curtains down


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請把以下歌詞用粵語發音標出來謝謝!遊樂場演唱 謝霆鋒

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