
時間 2022-12-01 14:25:38


private sub 轉換按鈕_click()dim txt, s as string, c as stringdim i as integer

txt = split(text1,".")for i = 0 to ubound(txt)txt(i) = trim(txt(i))if txt(i)<>"" then

if c like "[a-za-z]" thenif c like "[a-z]" thenc = ucase(left(txt(i),1))else

c = left(txt(i),1))

end if

s = s & c

if c like "[a-z] then mid(txt(i), 1, 1) = c

end if

end if


text2 = s

text1 = rtrim(join(txt, ". "))end sub


option explicit

private sub command1_click()

dim mystr as string

mystr = myfunction(text1.text, vbcrlf)

mystr = myfunction(mystr, ".")

text2.text = mystr

end sub

private function myfunction(mystr as string, mychr as string) as string

dim mytxt() as string, mytemp as string, myoutput as string, i as integer, j as integer, mysp as string

mytxt = split(mystr, mychr)

for i = 0 to ubound(mytxt)

mytemp = mytxt(i)

mysp = ""

for j = 1 to len(mytemp)

if mid(mytemp, j, 1) <> " " then exit for

mysp = mysp & " "


mytemp = trim(mytemp)

mytemp = mysp & ucase(left(mytemp, 1)) & mid(mytemp, 2)

myoutput = myoutput & mytemp & mychr


myfunction = myoutput

end function


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